Meet Manoj, Founder of Cyberhash

With more than 20 years in the Cyber Security industry, Manoj understands what it’s like to be a security leader and drive real change for customers.

What’s more, he cares. About his clients, his employees, and the sector.

Manoj set up Cyberhash after feeling frustrated that in the way that cyber security services were being delivered to organisations. That vendors prioritised their own self interests over value and sustainable change for customers.

Alongside being a founder of Cyberhash, Manoj leads community initiatives to improve the sector from the inside out.

  • Top 30 Leader in Cybersecurity in the UK


  • CSO30 Awards Judge

    Three years running

  • ClubCISO Advisory Board Member

    Five years running

  • InfoSec Lunch Hour

    Hosting Team

Manoj’s Talks & Panels

Leading in the New Age

With 20 years’ experience in Cyber Security and having built security functions from the ground up, Manoj shares how to lead security and change while keeping people at heart.

Mental Health in Cyber

Mental Health in Cyber needs to be improved, and Manoj shares his experiences, advice, and obstacles to improve Mental Health in the sector.

Looking for a particular talk?

Manoj regularly runs bespoke talks and panels for a variety of audiences, from international conferences to security teams.

Work History

Founder & Director
| Cyberhash

Head of Cyber Security Advisory
& Consulting | Company85

Cyber Security Consultant | Accenture

Head of Cyber Security & Networks | Telstra Purple

Head of Cyber Operations & Head of Cyber Pre-Sales | Sopra Steria

Various Roles | Ministry of Justice

Advisory Board Member | ClubCISO

UK Cyber Digital Security Lead | UK Digital Board

Interested in working with Manoj?